Four Lessons I Have Unlearned Since Medical School

“Progress demands adaptation. Pending a perfect knowledge of the body and mind some proportion of commonly accepted medical knowledge will be untrue. Therefore, question absolutes in medicine.  Keep an open mind and a broad perspective. Do not assume that everything you were taught in medical school must be true.”

Unbiased Review of Panorad’s Pathfinder

“Pathfinder is a tool to bridge diagnostic radiology to clinical outcomes by linking radiology with pathology…While I still have a bloated follow-up folder in PACS that I haven’t gotten around to look at from before Pathfinder, I am caught up on everything after Pathfinder became available because Pathfinder’s Match function makes follow-up effortless.”

Amy K. Patel, MD: Expert Insight for Future Radiologists

“…radiology is a wonderful field with something for everyone depending on interests. We are a very collaborative, warm, and supportive community with a plethora of mentors and sponsors to help you along your career. We are often at the center of critical decision making for patient care, which makes us indispensable when it comes to the multidisciplinary care team. We are also at the forefront of innovation when it comes to patient care, and that in and of itself, makes the field exciting and perpetually rewarding.”

RSNA 2021: My Experience

Despite the ongoing pandemic, the medical imaging community continues to innovate, and educate, and question, and improve. RSNA 2021 was a reminder, to me, that our collective work to provide the most helpful medical imaging to all individuals is a work in progress, yet is advancing in many important ways.

Why Every Medical Student Should Consider Radiology

if medical students do not consider radiology because radiologists “do not see patients” they should think again. Radiology can offer quality patient encounters, procedural work, and the opportunity to work with some of the most amazing technologies in medicine, while also providing an adaptable lifestyle.

Yasha Gupta, MD and the Future Radiology Residents Movement

“Radiology is one of the diverse specialties – not just in pathology, but also in lifestyle. Radiology caters to a wide range of personal interests, including those who like procedures, those who like overnight call, those who do not like overnight call, those who are interested in pediatrics, those who are interested in women’s health… the list goes on. This is likely why radiology was the highest back-up specialty per the NRMP. It caters to everyone.”